
“We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience with a spiritual purpose”. 
The Road Home - Baha’i teachings

Our Purpose

The purpose of the Mary Magdalene Red Thread Wisdom Circle is to embody the love and compassion of her teachings as laid out in her personal gospel; to contemplate the many stories of her life and study the teachings brought forward by her and Jesus; and, to strive to apply the many principles laid out for us.

Mary Magdalene, whenever mentioned in the sacred teachings, is stated to be Jesus’ companion. She was there at the time of Jesus’ crucifixion and his resurrection, the two qualifications to be an apostle and yet she is not mentioned as such in any of the biblical gospels. Why not?

When Jesus arose, it was Mary Magdalene whom he sought out and spoke to first, he commanded her to go ‘tell the others that I have risen.’ And yet, that too was left out of the biblical gospels, again leaving us to question why.

These stories, the story of Mary’s arranged marriage before Jesus, the 7 demons cast from her, the Lady with the Egg, Mary’s tears of Roses and her ministry after Jesus ascension, will all be covered in this two-part 25-week Wisdom Circle.

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