Spiritual Coaching


Spiritual Coaching puts you back in control of your life, and, sets you on a path of clarity. The essence of all coaching is to expand your life beyond its current circumstances. Whether you are looking for personal growth, career advancement, bringing value back into relationships or moving past health issues, coaching is an open path. 

Many say that “spiritual coaching” created a miracle in their life. A Course in Miracles describes a miracle as “any act of love”. When we turn to love, particularly that of self-love, the miracle we find is that we had the answers all along. 

Coaching opens a person up to transformation which allows one to transcend beyond previous limits and puts life back into perspective. It aids people in connecting with Divine Guidance and motives you to seek inner wisdom rather than random opinions. 

The Spiritual Journey is that essence of expansion that quickly identifies what is not working in your life and puts the reins back in your hands. Once you choose a new path, coaching shows you how to strive for excellence rather than perfection, which instills confidence and moves you toward your life’s purpose. 

Spiritual guidance assist one in realizing their dreams, shows you how to renegotiate relationships, establishes core values and allows you to find the meaning in life. It can give definition to “what you really want” and identifies the 3 major control factors that get in the way. 

If your life seems to be one major challenge after another, Spiritual Coaching can assist you in seeing those challenges as opportunities for change. 

If your goal is to become a Spiritual Coach, you must first recognize these things within yourself. Once you have learned how to prune the weeds in your own garden, then you can assist others in pruning theirs. 

Conneta Johnson
InnerLife Spiritual Coach

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